I got out of school today to go to the State Fair of Virginia. Usually I would be jumping around for joy like a sugar-high eight-year-old with ADHD, but I did have to miss a rather important psychology test. Normally I'd say "what the hell", but this year I'm actually trying to pass my classes...
Anyway, enough blah about school crap- on to the fair! Despite having to wake up at the usual time of 5:30 AM, everyone was pretty excited about traveling to the fair. We all loaded on the bus and got the usual lecture about "what happens on the bus stays on the bus, so if you've gotta go, hold it until we get there." I got stuck in front of some people who were talking so loud they pierced through my headphones. And when you're listening to speedcore at 70% volume, that takes a lot. But whatever, it's not like I was on a flight next to a crying baby for eight hours. I only had to put up with it for an hour and forty-five minutes, so it could have been worse.
When we got to the fair, we divided up into groups. I got in the group with people who wanted to go on all the rides. Normally I like amusement rides, even though I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to them, but then I saw the ticket prices. I have to go to the World Capital of Expensive Crap, Disney World, next month, and then a few days after I get back from there, New York City, so I didn't want to pay $20 for a ride pass... and then I proceeded to spend WAY more than $20 on snacks and jewelry. Well, more on the snacks- fair food is expensive. Actually, speaking of fair food, I ate way more fried stuff than I probably should, and I was even brave enough to try a fried candy bar. It was delicious, but I think I gained about 10 pounds just thinking about it! I should have taken a picture and uploaded it to This Is Why You're Fat. No matter, I don't intend to eat fried candy bars every day, especially since even though it was good, my body couldn't handle that much fattening content and rejected it- I haven't been able to eat anything else since then. One good thing about this trip was the strawberry sweet tea- my friend's grandmother makes it as well, and hers is an old family recipe. While the tea at the fair wasn't as good as my friend's grandmother's, it was the closest thing to decent sweet tea that I've ever had from a mass company.
The way back was rather interesting... some guy fell asleep and someone doodled on his face with a Sharpie, and he didn't wake up, so that provided some entertainment. But this time I was able to listen to my music relatively uninterrupted, so that was nice.
I took a couple of pictures at the fairground- I'm not in any of them, though, and probably no one wants to see my ugly-ass self, so you'll just have to make do.
I was really pissed because I had this great shot of the roller coaster, and then some fugly bitch had to get in the way. And she wouldn't move! So I can't post that epic picture... damn. The best one is the one you can see at the top of this page.