Friday, October 9, 2009

One Bad Week

All I can say is thank Longcat it's Friday. Friday of a three-day weekend, to be exact. And all I can say is that it's about time. This week has been hell.

Monday: Woke up early, went to school, and promptly fell asleep in finance class, resulting in getting a discipline referral for snoozing in school. After that, I had tech support class, in which I found out that yes, I get to install special software on the computers that takes about a million years to install. Oh joy. After that, I had government in which I got into an argument with one of my closest friends over political crap. And then I got about a month's worth of English homework that was due by next class.

Tuesday: Fell asleep in Advanced Programming and missed all the presentations since I was asleep. At least the teacher was cool about it and let me nap, realizing that my health isn't all that great and that teenagers do need to sleep. Tech support went well, still had to install the software, but figured out a way to do. In photography, I got oil paints on my freaking clothes, which won't come out. So now there's this big gray splotch on my best pair of jeans thanks to that crap. And my photography teacher hated my work anyway, so I ruined good pants for nothing. Then, I went to lunch. Some stupid fatass bought the rest of the ramen noodles, which was all I could afford, so I didn't get to eat anything for lunch, and nearly passed out in Psychology.

Wednesday: Went relatively well... can't think of anything that sucked too badly off the top of my head other than failing a government quiz.

Thursday: Ugh... got caught browsing the news sites in Advanced Programming, epically failed reimaging a computer in tech support, got really hungry in Photography and couldn't eat my damn sandwich because of the chemicals, and then bombed a psychology test. I haven't gotten the grade back yet, but I'm going to be honest: I will be incredibly surprised if I got anything higher than a D. And then to put the cherry on top of the cake of fail, I went to the grocery store to pick up some dinner. Nothing unusual, right? Not that difficult. Just get some damn pot pie and we're good. Or I thought we were, until I realized the car battery died! Even trying to jump-start it didn't work, so we had to walk all the way to the mechanic shop a little ways away. They managed to get the car running, but they think the alternator went bad. So I no can has car until that gets fixed, which means I'm back to relying on my parents to take me everywhere. Not that once my dad gets back in town I'll have a car anyway, but you know what I mean.

Friday: Thinking that my finance test would be easy since my class is full of people so stupid it takes them the entire block period to Google something, I naively decided that it was not necessary for me to study. Oh how wrong I was. That test had all kinds of difficult crap on it. I take comfort in the fact that if I failed, everyone else epically failed. I had double government, and got stuck sitting behind the Evangelical Conservative Christian Birther girl. Even my good friend who I'll refer to as Pigeon (inside joke) who is quite conservative was ready to smack her upside the head. At the end of class, Pigeon turned to me and just shook his head, as though he couldn't believe all the B.S. he was hearing. THEN I had to go write an essay on one of the most useless books ever written, Ethan Frome. Now, this wouldn't be such a problem if this essay wasn't worth THREE DAMN TEST GRADES. So if I did badly, I basically just screwed myself over for the rest of this quarter. Lovely.

I could go on and on, but don't want to rehash every little thing that sucked this week (well, if I didn't want to do that then why the hell did I type all this up?). So I'll stop here. But I really think that this week might be setting the standard for bad weeks everywhere...

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